Table of Contents
A few months ago I posted a quote by Jack Canfield “Everything you want is on the other side of fear”. I am going to be honest, I was trying to convince myself to take my own advice. I knew what I needed to do, but since it required taking a huge risk my mind wouldn’t let me take the leap. Instead I spent a few more months trying to arrive at the same answer that I already knew in my soul.
After years of conditioning, I was convinced that all of my decisions needed to come out my head instead of my body. Instead of relying on my emotions and my feelings, I let my mind rule my life – and in truth … It does not always do a great job. If I let my mind take the lead, I end up in an endless loop of being led by fear. The mind doesn’t listen to the body especially when you are someone with an open head center.
Following my Strategy and Authority
Fortunately for me, during this time of decision, I stumbled across Human Design. I started to rely more on my Strategy and Authority to make decisions. After some practice, it was time to allow my body to do the work. As an Emotional Projector, I go through these waves of emotions – Ups and Downs. My Feelings are my compass, but I have to learn to follow them when the waters are calm, not the peaks and valleys of the waves.
As I started to get comfortable with small decisions, I realized that I was ready to make the big decision. Do I remain hostage to my fear or do I finally listen to my feelings and take a huge leap of faith.
Despite the advice of others, I knew that I had to find my own way. I already had my Invitation (Strategy) and my Authority (Emotions) had sent me the answer months ago so it was time time to listen. I knew it was time to take a leap and push past the fear that had been paralyzing me for months.
I turned in my official resignation as a Public Educator and will be devoting myself to building my business. I will be living my dream as a dog mompreneur! I get to stay at home and spend precious time with my sweet pups! I get to inspire people to reach for their dreams! I feel so much relief just stepping out away from fear and trusting myself.
Finding my light again
I have to admit even though I know I have made the right decision, I still have reservations and this is perfectly normal. My mind chatters at me all of the time trying to bring me back into fear but I refuse to be a victim. I know that as I decompress and decondition, my Projector light will once again start shining bright. The same light that had all but disappeared under my exhaustion, bitterness, misalignment and stress.
I am already filled with ideas to continue to grow my Pet Health and Wellness business and soon to follow will be my coaching business. I want to help business owners to learn to live in their Strategy and Authority that allows them create a business that follows their Human Design.
I don’t want to see anyone paralyzed with fear. I want to teach people to build a business in a way that the universe supports them rather than fights them. YOU are NOT everyone else – everyone has their own magic! You must learn to trust that YOU have the right direction inside of you instead of following everyone else.
Everything you want is on the other side of fear
Did you know that you are perfect? I believe you are perfectly designed to fetch your very best life! Don’t let past failures hold you in fear. I know exactly what I want and I know that I have to step in front of fear to get there. Learn to listen to your body – step out into the sunshine and fetch the life you want.