You are not broken


Have you ever been told you are broken; there is something wrong with you? Maybe you haven’t been told, but you can read these feelings from people around you. What is wrong with you? Why are you so different? Why don’t you just listen to me? All you have to do to be successful is XYZ. Can’t you just fix your mindset?

Do any of these resonate with you? If so, you are NOT alone. So many times I have just felt different, like I didn’t belong. I have often wondered, what is wrong with me? There must be something wrong with me. I just can’t seem to find anyone that can relate to how I feel. I honestly don’t even know how to feel sometimes.

I am a Projector

Looking through my new lens of human design, I can 100% understand why. First, as a Projector, I make up a much smaller percent of the population, only 20% of the population are Projectors. Next, I would be willing to bet that MOST projectors are not living a life aligned as a Projector and fell in the same trap as me. We have been conditioned to BE Generators. We have no idea how to just BE a Projector so we end up hiding away our real talents and abilities.

Our culture VALUES Generators more so than Projectors. Our Culture values people that are all about the doing instead about the being. This is VERY true when you enter the entrepreneur space. It is all about hard work, following strict systems and positive mindset instead of even considering your designs and talents. It is never about what works for the individual, but instead all about what works for the majority. Since 80% of the population that are Generators, they make the rules and these rules just don’t work for Projectors, we just feel broken.

For the first time, I felt seen

When my eyes were opened to my design, for the first time in my life I could actually SEE myself and I felt seen. When I first was presented as Projector, I felt broken again. I could not relate to almost ANY of the attributes of a projector, what was wrong with me? I didn’t even fit my OWN design.

Thankfully, I was so intrigued that I invested into a reading and I allowed myself to be open to my design instead of to how I was showing up daily. Slowly, as I began to study and reflect, it all clicked into place. Everything about being a Projector resonated with me, but I was living out of alignment because the world told me I needed to be a Generator to be successful.

Learning to shift and tune into your body

It was AMAZING to realize I was NOT BROKEN, I do not need fixing. I now have permission to live life exactly as I was designed to live. Human Design allows us to be authentic, but the transition is not always easy. I admit the more research I did about my type, the more fear that entered my heart. How could I continue to build a business if my entire strategy shifted from “initiating and response” to “waiting for the invitation”? How could I build a business if my energy was so limited?

For the first time in my life I realized that this was not something I could just “power through” but instead, I had to give myself space and grace. With this space and grace, I can already feel my energy shift. I could feel the energy around me and in other people. Everything was changing. When I finally received my first Invitation to share, my whole body hummed. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I understood what it was to live as a Projector.

The Journey begins

With my new understanding of Human Design, I knew I was on a journey or an experiment to change my world. I also knew that I was designed to bring people along with me on my journey. Although I was already on a mission to help fellow entrepreneurs, I just didn’t know this mission would go down a rabbit hole that would change everything. It was time to show people they were not broken, they were perfectly designed for their own mission in life.

For the first time since starting my business I have given myself permission to be a Projector. I quit working 16 hours a day. I quit initiating. I quit the relentless hamster wheel and started giving me space to live my design. I realize my life will not change overnight, but I have started to feel a shift in my energy. I am aware of what lights me up and what drains me. I have given myself permission to be me.

My Battle Cry – YOU are PERFECTLY designed to fetch your very best life

This shift has renewed my passion to no longer be held back by fear, but to charge forward raising my flag and going into battle! I am fighting for those that feel alienated, misunderstood, unseen, and different but KNOW they have a VOICE.

My battle cry – I believe you are perfectly designed to fetch your very best life! I will make it my personal mission to open up the eyes of those that need me and bring into light their amazing gifts and talents. I want to be a lighthouse for people that need to find their way.

I believe we are here to make the world a better place. I want my fellow dog moms to stand firm in the belief they are NOT BROKEN! You are simply misunderstood. You can’t live your life like someone else and find success. Don’t ever judge your life and business according to someone else or their standards.

You are unique, amazing and perfectly designed. I am just here to shine the light on the truth – when you have confidence to trust in your design, you will change the world!

I invite you to join me on my journey of human design. I invite you to take the opportunity to plug into this Projector so together we can move the needle and spread the word that you are perfectly designed to fetch your very best life! Join me to find out how.

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